Everything to do with ingredients that add fermentable fuel to your recipe.
Please refer to the Recipe Tables page for more detailed information on how to use the tables.
Please note the different row colours, these are based on calculated colour contributions to the final beer, with the bottom row being an estimated final colour.
On the left, you have two calculated fields (you can't edit these): Diastatic Power and Total Grains.
Diastatic Power is the ability for the grain bill to convert from complex sugars to simple sugars during the mash. If this number is too low, it'll show up as red and you'll need to add more base malt to the recipe. This can happen if you're adding too much crystal or roasted malt.
Total Grains are simply the total fermentables you're adding to the mash. As it's so important, this is repeated on the bottom row of table.
The main table shows you your grains that will be used in the recipe. Unless, you've copied or imported a recipe, you'll have to add these using the Fermentable Ingredient Add Table.
From left to right we have:
- The edit button
- The delete button.
On the bottom of the table you have 3 figures, from left to right there is:
You can set your target water: grain ratio here, though it'll come pre-set when you choose your equipment profile.
This is simply how much water is in your mash, compared to how much grain. The figure is normally somewhere between 2.5-4.5.
If you set this figure, and add your fermentables before adding your mash water, the Add Mash Water button will automatically add the correct amount of water to your mash.
If you've imported a recipe with fermentables and water, this ratio will be calculated and added to your recipe when you save it from: recipe water:fermentable weight.
Advanced: Currently, you can edit your fermentable ingredient.
Access by clicking on the edit button on the ingredient:
This is probably one for the tweakers only. I've tried to include the most important ones in the table.
Once I've decided which of these fields I'm going to keep, I'll write some better documentation about this.
James Torr 18 Jun 22